
Supporting a Loved One in Rehab: A Guide for Families

Drug addiction and substance abuse is an incredibly difficult thing to deal with, especially as most people are not equipped to handle a loved one who is going through an addiction. The first thing to realize about rehab is that it is filled with qualified professionals who will care for your family member and that, above all else, they need your support, but it may not be easy to maintain that support through trying times.

Educate yourself

Educating yourself may be the best thing you can do to support your loved one in a variety of ways, including finding excellent facilities for them to go to, such as an alcohol rehab in Austin, and figuring out how you can deal with the issues they’ve been going through. People with substance abuse issues do not think like average people and will often display behavior that is difficult to accept, like being distant and lying to enable their addiction, and it’s only through educating yourself and understanding how deep an addiction goes for the average person that you’ll be able to realize why things ended up the way they did.

Participate in therapy

Therapy is another important thing to take care of if you’re trying to help someone who has been dealing with issues for a long time, especially because loved ones often display poor behavior that goes on to affect the lives of people around them. Going to therapy will allow you to reconcile the negative effects that your loved one’s issues have had on you and on your life, and will allow you to understand their point of view better. You truly can’t help someone else until you help yourself, and you’ll be able to achieve that by going to therapy and freeing yourself up to help deal with their issues, too. 

Understand their point of view

Understanding the point of view of someone who is reliant on alcohol or substances is vital when you’re trying to offer support, as these people are often faced with rejection by people that don’t want to consider what they went through. While drugs and excessive drinking are never the answer, many people turn to those outlets when they’re faced with incredibly stressful life events like financial issues or the loss of a loved one without any way to cope. If you’re able to understand the underlying cause and the emotional factors that fed their addiction, you’ll be able to support them far better.

Give them space when needed

Going to rehab is a major point in the lives of anyone who has ever dealt with substance abuse, and this massive change, along with the controlled lifestyle and withdrawal symptoms, cause recovering inpatients to become a little more hostile to their family. The important thing to remember here is that this is normal and temporary and that the experts inside the facility are there to help with any issues that may arise. Giving them enough space to work through their own emotions is the best thing you can do when your efforts to reach out aren’t being accepted since you’ll be able to try again later.

Help them build a new life

Perhaps the most important part of rehab is the lessons people receive from it and the life that can be built with those lessons. However, this may not be easy if your loved one is left to do it alone, which is why you’ll need to be present in their lives to help them rebuild. Eliminating major sources of stress will help a lot initially, such as helping them with money issues or even getting them a job, and other long-term issues need to be dealt with slowly, like reducing the triggers they come across in daily life and getting rid of bad influences. 


Addictions are unfortunately getting more common, and you may have a family member who needed to check into rehab. There are a lot of factors that go into a successful rehab visit, and one of the most important ones is the support that a person gets from their family and loved ones throughout the process. Using the information in this article, you’ll be able to do just that and give your loved one the care they need as they get through the toughest time in their life.

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